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Android Torque with MultiDisplay Data

Posted: Fri 14. Oct 2011, 14:24
by designer2k2

Hooch came up with the idea to feed the MultiDisplay Datastream into Torque.

It would require the Bluetooth Mod (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=57) and then some kind of Code on Torque to Read the Data.

Currently this is only a Idea, lets see how we can get it running, any ideas are welcome!

Re: Android Torque with MultiDisplay Data

Posted: Sat 15. Oct 2011, 12:08
by bofh
That would be pretty cool. :up:

I think we should use the new binary data stream of the V2 (because it contains a lot more data).

Re: Android Torque with MultiDisplay Data

Posted: Fri 22. Aug 2014, 21:08
by designer2k2
Torque has now a plugin interface:

And a Plugin can update PID´s, so it would be possible to make a Plugin what gets the data over bluetooth and feeds it into Torque :D