Ich habe nun endlich alles im Fahrzeug installiert und verbaut. Ich schreibe mal auf Englisch, damit auch der Rest des Forums ggf. darauf eingehen kann.
Finally installed everything in the car:
(Cold start, 13°C Outside)
After some troubleshooting because of wrong pinning everything worked out.
Unfortunately, I sometimes get strange things displayed with the Type-K sensors. For example, my sensor AGT (exhaust) is not connected at all, but sometimes shows the values of the other sensors. Sometimes the values also freeze.
(Aussentemp = Outside Temperature & LLT = Air Intake after turbocharger) Bad PCB ?
Speed via GALA does not work, nor does the gear indicator. GALA is on PIN3 on MDV2 print next to N75. When I connect to the injector on the 12V line, I also get no RPM.
Additionally a question about the shiftlight, I have the V2 but would like to use the "old" function with only one light, is that possible or do the buttons now occupy this port? I have only two buttons connected. The Shiftlight PIN next to it switches ground or 5V via PWM? When I turn it on and do the functional test, no LEDs are flashing for me either. I have measured each of the shiftlight connections but no change in voltage level can be detected. Tried with V2 Shiftlight in the DEFINE activated, as well as deactivated.
I would be happy if someone can solve the problem with a quick fix.
Have a nice weekend