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v2 board set wanted in US/Canada
Posted: Fri 31. May 2013, 04:07
by geekazoid
Does anyone have any of the v2 boards made that I can purchase?
Else has anyone in North America found a vendor to fabricate them?
Re: AW: v2 board set wanted in US/Canada
Posted: Fri 31. May 2013, 18:57
by bofh
I have professional made pcbs. No problem to ship them to north america.
Re: v2 board set wanted in US/Canada
Posted: Fri 31. May 2013, 21:28
by geekazoid
Thanks, I sent you a PM. I had already put out several quote requests but I suspect that it is cheaper to get them from you. I confess I'm inexperienced, especially with surface mount but this project has been an education.
These are the specs I was suggested. I googled these out and below are my notes:
- 2 layers (the PCB has traces on both sides)
0.062" FR4 (FR means flame retardant, 4 is #4 epoxy. This is a laminate on the board.)
1 oz Copper thickness (refers to the thickness of the traces, 1oz is pretty standard. Trivia: it refers to the thickness of 1oz of copper pressed over a 1sqft area.)
HASL finish (Hot Air Soldering Level - this means that all of the exposed copper surfaces are covered by solder. Its easy to work with but the experienced might go with a more modern/enviro friendly choice.)
Green Soldermask (its just the color)
White Silkscreen (color of the printed text)
Individually routed (aka panellization; this means that the boards are cut to size. If you don't get it panellized you might get a larger board with all of your boards together on it, and need to cut them apart. I don't have the tools to do this myself...)
Re: v2 board set wanted in US/Canada
Posted: Fri 31. May 2013, 22:24
by geekazoid
Just for information of others considering getting these fabricated, here are the quotes I received locally. This is in CAD tax included and does not include shipping (it would be under $5 in Canada). This is for all three boards in the standards I listed above.
Same Day Quotes:
Qty 2 - $400 Canadian Circuits (they said they could probably do two in one run)
Qty 1 - $312 Myro Canada
Qty 1 - PENDING AP Circuits
Of course this is at the high end of the spectrum. Labor is expensive in Canada. I also have quotes coming from the US. So far its much cheaper to get these from bofh.
Re: v2 board set wanted in US/Canada
Posted: Fri 31. May 2013, 22:38
by geekazoid
I've run into some trouble submitting the GERBER files.
The following errors were found with your design:
- I can't find a top solder mask file
I can't find a bottom solder mask file
I can't find a drills file
EDIT: I think its just naming convention. They expect this:
Code: Select all
boardname.GTL Top Layer
boardname.GBL Bottom Layer
boardname.GTS Top Soldermask
boardname.GBS Bottom Soldermask
boardname.GTO Top Silkscreen
boardname.GBO Bottom Silkscreen
boardname.GKO Board Outline
boardname.G2L only if you're uploading a four layer board
boardname.G3L only if you're uploading a four layer board
boardname.XLN Drills
Re: v2 board set wanted in US/Canada
Posted: Mon 3. Jun 2013, 12:50
by designer2k2
yes naming conventions are a big trouble with Gerber files, you would need to just rename the Files according to their whish.
Bofh made got them i a large batch made, thats why we have a quite good price on the pcb´s, if you run a single set, they get quite expensive!