another sweet mod, Log the Data onto a SD card instead of needing to take a laptop with you!
To make this one simple, get a OpenLog: ... ts_id=9530
and a microSD Card ( ... ts_id=8163)
Then just connect the 5V from the MD03 Print to it and power it up one time, so the SD Card gets initialized.
Read the SD Card then into a PC and open CONFIG.txt on it and change 9600 in the text file to 57600.
Now connect the RX and TX Pins to the Arduino Pins 0 and 1 (RX to TX...) and just start it as usual.
The OpenLog now just records whatever the MultiDisplay sends and stores it with every reboot into an other file!
When finished, just pull the SD Card out and read the files with a PC, thats it

Pictures follow when installed in my car...