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KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Wed 2. Feb 2011, 22:25
by passuff
Im wondering how much work it would be to implement VAG Measuring Blocks reading. Would be the first System on the market that does combine external and internal signals in one data aquisition system. Im active in many chiptuning boards and peaple are searching for that for years... So come on, lets develope something together....

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Wed 2. Feb 2011, 23:00
by passuff
I think this one should help us.. At least the ones who speak german ;)

This is the open surce community of wbh:

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Fri 4. Feb 2011, 17:17
by designer2k2

with the Mega attached (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=65) enough free programm space is avaiable...

There are some Arduino-OBD Projects, like:

The task would be to take their hardware / code and combine it with the MD code. Should be not a super difficult task ;)

Bofh is working on a version with binary output from the multidisplay what can be fed into some tuning software tools, as he is hacking his ECU and tuning it himself :)

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Fri 4. Feb 2011, 19:05
by passuff
OBD/OBDII is not what I am after. The KWP1281 for VAG is more than the normal open source PID. Its not only the aftertreatment measuring blocks, it's a whole bag full of measuring values.. Its only for VAG CArs.
The Project on Sourceforge uses an adapter where the KWP1281 (KWP2000 for cars after 2001) is already implemented in an atmega, so you can simply send some commands and get the values back. The atmega is not open source, so we cant implement this code. But maybe we find a way that we use both atmegas in one system.. What do you think? This would be the non plus ultra Data logger for all VAG people ;)

Maybe you could ask Florian (CEO) if he is interested in merging these projects?

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Fri 4. Feb 2011, 19:24
by passuff
This is the code of a little programm that makes you able to read measuring block. this little tool communicates directly with atmega in the interface. so in simple, we just need to take this code and implement it in our data logging software and use the bluetooth interface of wbhdiag.. its not so beautiful, but simple ;)

Code: Select all

; This program reads data from a WBH-Diag Pro VAG KW1281 protocol chip

Procedure.q Hex2Dec(Hex.s)
   Protected result.q, n, temp, pow.q=1
   For n=MemoryStringLength(@Hex)-1 To 0 Step -1
      If temp >= 17 And temp <= 22
      ElseIf temp < 0 Or temp > 9
   ProcedureReturn result

If OpenWindow(0, 100, 150, 260, 330, "WBH-Diag Pro Demo", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered)
; Das Fenster wurde erfolgreich geöffnet
      If CreateGadgetList(WindowID(0)) ; ermittelt die eindeutige WindowID und erstellt
        ; auf diesem Fenster die  neue Gadgetliste
        TextGadget (7, 20, 14, 30, 20, "Port:")
        StringGadget (2, 50, 10, 50, 20, "COM17")
        TextGadget (8, 120, 14, 40, 20, "Group:")
        StringGadget (5, 160, 10, 30, 20, "05")
        ButtonGadget (1, 20, 40, 80, 20, "Connect")
        ProgressBarGadget (3, 20, 70, 220, 20,0,100)
        TextGadget (4, 20, 100, 220, 140, "",#PB_Text_Border)
        TextGadget (6, 20,260,220,280, "", #PB_Text_Center)
        If LoadFont(0, "Arial", 30)
          SetGadgetFont(6, FontID(0))   ; geladenen Arial 16 Zeichensatz als neuen Standard festlegen


    EventID.l = WaitWindowEvent()
    If EventID = #PB_Event_Gadget
      If EventGadget() = 1
        SetGadgetText(4, "")
        SetGadgetState(3, 0)
        MyCom.s = GetGadgetText(2)+": baud=19200 parity=N Data=8 stop=1"
        Hcom = ComOpen(MyCom,#HandShakeModeNone ,255,255)
        If Hcom 
          Car.s = " "
          Ausgabe.s = ""
          Repeat    ; wait for ID
            MyBuffer1.s = "ati" + Chr(13)
            ComWrite(Hcom,@MyBuffer1,Len(MyBuffer1))             ;Write the data
            Delay (100)
            While ComInputBufferCount(HCom) > 0
              If ComRead(Hcom,@Car,1)
                Ausgabe = Ausgabe + Car
          Until FindString(Ausgabe,"WBH-Diag Pro",1)
 ;         MessageRequester("WBH-Diag Pro",Ausgabe)

          ; try to connect to ECU
          MyBuffer1.s = "atd01" + Chr(13)   ; send ATDnn
          ComWrite(Hcom,@MyBuffer1,Len(MyBuffer1))             ;Write the data

          Ausgabe = ""
          count.I = 0
          While ComInputBufferCount(HCom) = 0
            Delay (100)
            count = count+1
            If count = 101
            SetGadgetState(3, count)

          Repeat    ; wait for connect data
            While ComInputBufferCount(HCom) > 0
              If ComRead(Hcom,@Car,1)
                Ausgabe = Ausgabe + Car
                SetGadgetText(4, GetGadgetText(4)+Car)
          Until FindString(Ausgabe,Chr(13)+">",1)   ; until ">" and a CR received
          SetGadgetText(4, GetGadgetText(4)+Chr(13))
          ;MessageRequester("WBH-Diag Pro","Data: " + Ausgabe)

          Repeat    ; endless unitl window close
            Delay (100)
            If Hcom=False   ; maybe connection lost
              Hcom = ComOpen(MyCom,#HandShakeModeNone ,255,255)

           EventID = WindowEvent()
            ; read group
            MyBuffer1.s = "08" + GetGadgetText(5) + Chr(13)   ; read group command 08 + which group
            ComWrite(Hcom,@MyBuffer1,Len(MyBuffer1))             ;Write the data
            Ausgabe = ""
            count.I = 0

            Repeat    ; wait for data
              While ComInputBufferCount(HCom) > 0
                If ComRead(Hcom,@Car,1)
                  Ausgabe = Ausgabe + Car
                  SetGadgetText(4, GetGadgetText(4)+Car)
            Until FindString(Ausgabe,Chr(13)+">",1)   ; until ">" and a CR received
            ; find Block 07 (Km/h)
            pos.I = FindString(Ausgabe,"07",1)    ; search for a block starting with 07 (vehicle speed)
            If pos>0
              ;MessageRequester ("OK", Str(pos))
              ByteA.I = Hex2Dec(Mid (Ausgabe, pos+3, 2))    ; next two bytes are the speed data
              ByteB.I = Hex2Dec(Mid (Ausgabe, pos+6, 2))
              ;MessageRequester ("OK", Str(ByteA)+" "+Str(ByteB)+" " +Str(0.01*ByteA*ByteB))
              SetGadgetText (6, Str(0.01*ByteA*ByteB)+" km/h")    ;calculate speed
              SetGadgetText(4, "")
          Until EventID = #PB_Event_CloseWindow     ; endless until window close 

          MessageRequester ("Error", "Error during open "+GetGadgetText(2)+": Port")

  Until EventID = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
Else; Fehler beim Öffnen des Fensters


Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Sun 6. Feb 2011, 00:01
by bofh
I'm working on a hardware interface to connect a k-line to the multidisplay. :)
KWP1281 or OBD is not my primary target because the ecu which I connect (digifant I) does not have a KWP1281 protocol implementation. Instead i'm going to implement my own protocol to get just the data out of the digifant which I need (knock etc).

But it should be really easy to use the WBH-Diag Pro Controller to query data by KWP1281 protocol over the k-line interface (the Seeeduino Mega has enough serial interfaces so we could simply connect the WBH-Diag Pro AVR to one of them).
The WBH Diag Conroller Pro handles the complete KWP1281 protocol and has a really fair price (21 €).

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Sun 6. Feb 2011, 11:37
by passuff
your K line interface sounds very interesting for another project. I want to setup a g60 turbo so this would be very very helpful!!
keep in touch..

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Mon 7. Feb 2011, 19:20
by bofh
I ordered some K-Line / TTL translation ICs ( ST L9636 ) and SOIC / DIP adapter sockets at RS Components. Next few weeks will be exciting. :D

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Tue 8. Feb 2011, 09:58
by designer2k2
oh i will build this also in my car´s, moooore data 8-)

Re: KWP1281 Measuring Blocks implementation

Posted: Sat 26. Feb 2011, 11:56
by passuff
I ordered some K-Line / TTL translation ICs ( ST L9636 ) and SOIC / DIP adapter sockets at RS Components. Next few weeks will be exciting. :D
Some news?